얼굴 피부미용도 침뜸으로..
얼굴 피부미용도 침뜸으로..
얼굴의 주름을 제거하여 젊음을 유지하는 미용침뜸을 소개하는 기사가 미국의 지역신문 'WTNH "사이트에 소개..(2017/1/9)
Trish Berube씨는 취미로 20년간 보트를 즐겼는데, 햇빛과 바람 소금 등으로 눈가 주름 이마주름 팔자주름 등으로 고민하다 피부를 회복하고자 미용 침뜸을 시작했다는 이야기..
피부를 되살리는 미용침술이란 무엇인가?
Morris박사(Artemis Morris, ND)는 침뜸을 이용해 얼굴의 미세한 주름과 피부 처짐을 제거하고 피부가 활력을 되찾을 수 있도록 하는 방법이라고 소개하며, 노화를 막기 침술은 수천 년 동안 진행되어왔으며 그 효과는 피부의 혈류를 개선함으로써 얻어진다고 설명한다.
("Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a noninvasive way of helping to get rid of fine wrinkles , of helping to lift sagging skin, of helping to bring vitality back to your face "explained Artemis Morris, ND, a naturopathic physician.
She says the practice of using acupuncture to reverse aging has been around for thousands of years . It works by improving blood flow to the skin.)
미용 침술은 얼굴에 새겨진 깊은 팔자 주름을 따라 아주 작은 침을 사용한다. 벨벳 씨의 사진을 보면 10년전과 비교해 조금도 노화하지 않은 것처럼 보인다고...
모리스 박사는 미용 침술을 통해 더 많은 에너지, 더 적은 스트레스 더 나은 수면 등 침술의 다른 여러 가지 장점을 발견하게 되었다고도 말한다.
미용 침술 만이 아니라 앞으로 몸 관리에도 침술이 활용되지 않을까하는 생각을 해보며..
*자세한 내용은 아래 기사원분 참조
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture: A Natural Way to Get Rid of Wrinkles
By Meghan Yost, Multimedia Journalist
Published: January 9, 2017
MILFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Trish Berube loves spending time outdoors, especially out on the water.
“I’ve been a boater for 20 years,” she explained.
But her favorite hobby has also taken a toll on her skin.
“The sun and the air and the salt here on long island sound just kind of dries everything out.”
So when the 56-year-old started noticing wrinkles on her face, she decided to take action.
“Where were the wrinkles that bothered me the most?” Berube asked. “I would have to say all of these fabulous laugh crow lines you get and these deep crevices. Oh and yes, the forehead! How do you get rid of all the lines on the forehead?”
For the past five years, Berube has been getting facial rejuvenation acupuncture.
“Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a noninvasive way of helping to get rid of fine wrinkles, of helping to lift sagging skin, of helping to bring vitality back to your face,” explained Artemis Morris, N.D., a naturopathic physician.
She says the practice of using acupuncture to reverse aging has been around for thousands of years. It works by improving blood flow to the skin…
“That circulation is really your immune system’s way of trying to heal that area so what it does is it brings your body’s own collagen into your face so it’s like a natural filler,” Dr. Morris said.
To treat jowls, she uses a special technique to lift the face and “pin” it into place with an acupuncture needle.
“What this does is especially after at least six treatments, it helps to firm up the tissue, it helps to move the fluids and it actually helps the structure of the jowls,” she explained.
During facial rejuvenation acupuncture, tiny micro needles are also placed along deeper lines.
“So this is like microneedling which is very popular right now as well,” Dr. Morris said.
The session wraps up with a facial massage. So how are those troublesome wrinkles doing for Berube?
“With the help of Dr. Artemis we’ve been able to keep them at bay,” she said.
A picture of Berube from a decade ago shows she’s barely aged a day. In fact, she wasn’t wearing any makeup during our interview.
“I feel good,” she said. “Yes, I feel very good.”
Dr. Morris says patients will also notice other benefits from the acupuncture, like more energy, less stress and better sleep. For the best results, she recommends doing twelve sessions.