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시골마을 침구센터.. 영국

지운이 2018. 1. 22. 16:06

2017.11.21 DevonLive(영국),
  / By Lauren HarrisReporter

*영국 남서부의 한 시골 마을에 Alison이라는 여성침구사가 침구센터를 개업한데 대한 소개 기사.. 박사학위도 있는 그녀는 전원생활을 위해 이 시골 마을로 와서 침구센터를 개업하였는데.. 개업식날 시장도 참석하였다는 것과 더불어 처음 방문한 환자를 치료하는 모습을 담고 있다.

당신이 침술 시술을 받아보려는 생각을 해본 적이 없겠지만, 이 특별한 치료법은 신체적, 정신적 증상을 완화시킬 수 있으며 심지어 환자의 신체가 스스로 치유되고 회복되도록 도움을 줄 수 있다.

Alison Savory는 Barnstaple의 새로운 침술센터의 자격을 갖춘 침술사로, 생화학 및 약학에 대한 배경이 있어 고객을 치료할 때 중의학과 서양의학의 요소를 결합할 수 있는 능력을 갖추고 있다.


임상의학 분야의 박사학위를 소지한, 영국 침술위원회의 회원인 앨리슨 (Alison)은 "침술은 정말 효과적이고 안전한 의료이다. 그것은 육체적, 정신적 질병을 치료할 수 있다. 그것은 치료의 중요한 일부를 이루는 치료요법이자 과학이다. 그것은 과학일 뿐만 아니라 아름다움과 언어가 있다.

"클라이언트가 들어올 때, 그들은 그들이 안고 있는 고통이나 문제를 나에게 말할 수 있지만, 나는 듣고 보는 것을 통해 또 그들이 피곤하거나 건강하거나 통증이 있는지에 대해 알려주는 다른 기법을 통해 그들을 진단할 수 있다."

"나는 혀를 보고 맥박을 짚어 본 다음 처방전을 만든다. 나는 누군가에게 '당신의 물 기능과 관련이 있는 것 같다'라고 말한 후 의사에게 보냈는데, 방광 감염이 있는 것으로 나타났다."

"몸에는 그리드 시스템이 있어서 나는 통증이 목에 있다면 발목에 침을 꽂는 식으로 접근한다. 통증이 어디에 있는지에 따라 신체의 전체 채널이나 경로를 분명히 할 수 있다. 침은 15 ~ 20 분 동안 유침해 둔다. 

Alison은 침술사과정 4년을 마친 후 버크셔에서 5년 전에 침술센를 설립했었다.

9월에 그녀는 더 건강하고 활동적인 전원생활을 하기 위해 노스 데본(North Devon)으로 이주하기로 결정하였고 그때부터 Barnstaple Gig Rowing Club에 가입하게 되었다


Barnstaple 시장, 줄리 헌트 (Julie Hunt)는 11월 19일 일요일 개업일에 침술센터에 참석하여 새로운 클리닉 조명을 켰다. 마을의 크리스마스조명 스위치도 켜면서..

앨리슨은 말했다 : "나는 북아일랜드 출신이고, 마치 고향에 온 것 같은 느낌이었다. 이곳 사람들은 너무 친절하고 나는 공기와 바다를 좋아했다. 그것들 모두가 나를 조정해 주는 역할을 해준다."

"나는 침술에 대해 이해하고 또 알고자 하는 더 많은 사람들을 사랑한다. 왜냐하면 그것은 사람을 신체는 물론 정신까지도 치료할 수 있기 때문이다. 그것은 안전할 뿐 아니라 아기부터 노인까지 거의 모든 단계의 사람들에게 이용될 수 있다. 그것은 전통적인 의학적 접근법을 보완하고 종종 그것들의 부작용을 관리하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다."

"클리닉에서 나는 일상적으로 여성의 건강 문제를 다루는데, 십대부터 폐경기, 근골격계 문제, 복잡한 통증 및 신경학적 문제 등, 그리고 출산에 대한 관심이 있는 많은 사람들도 치료하는데 그들은 임신기간 동안 치료를 받기도 한다. 암의 모든 ​​단계에 있는 사람들도 침을 많이 이용한다. "

Barnstaple 출신의 Zeya Finnigan은 편두통과 잦은 두통으로 고통 받아 왔는데, Alison과의 첫 침술 경험을 가졌다.

그녀는 말했다. "앨리슨이 침을 찌를 때 나는 아무런 느낌도 없었다. 상처도 없었고 고통도 전혀 없었다. 나는 침이 들어올 때 따스하면서 따끔 거리는 느낌이 있었지만, 불쾌하지 않았다.

"두통의 고통을 덜어주고 정말 편안했습니다. 그녀의 태도와 과학에 대한 배경 때문에 나는 그녀를 믿을 수 있다고 생각했다. "

(*芝雲 譯)








기사원문은 아래




Chances are you’ve never thought of getting acupuncture, but this special treatment can relieve symptoms of some physical and psychological conditions and can even encourage a patient’s body to heal and repair itself.





Alison Savory is a qualified acupuncturist who rather unusually also has a background in biochemistry and pharmaceutical medicine, meaning she can combine Chinese and western elements in treating clients at her new one Acupuncture centre in Barnstaple.

One Acupuncture, in conjunction with Devon Live, is offering you an opportunity to try this special form of alternate medicine by entering a fantastic competition to win more than £200 of sessions at the centre in Church Lane. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is fill in the form at the bottom of this page before the closing date on Sunday, December 10.

Alison, who also holds a PhD in Clinical Medicine and is a member of the British Acupuncture Council, said: “Acupuncture is a really effective, safe medicine. It can treat physical and mental ailments. It’s therapeutic, which is an important part of it, and it’s a science, but it’s not just a science, there’s a beauty and a language to it.

“When a client comes in, they can tell me what pain or problems they’re having but I can also assess them by listening and looking and other techniques which tell me if they’re tired or strong or in pain that day. A client could come in with five things and then we prioritise.

“I look at the tongue and take their pulse and then create a prescription for them. I have said to someone 'I think there may be something up with your water function' and sent them to the doctor, and it turned out they had a bladder infection.

“There’s a grid system within the body that I work with so if the pain is in the neck, I might put a needle in their ankle. Depending on where I place it, I can clear the whole channel or pathway in the body. The needles stay in for 15 to 20 minutes.”

Chances are you’ve never thought of getting acupuncture, but this special treatment can relieve symptoms of some physical and psychological conditions and can even encourage a patient’s body to heal and repair itself.

Alison Savory is a qualified acupuncturist who rather unusually also has a background in biochemistry and pharmaceutical medicine, meaning she can combine Chinese and western elements in treating clients at her new one Acupuncture centre in Barnstaple.

One Acupuncture, in conjunction with Devon Live, is offering you an opportunity to try this special form of alternate medicine by entering a fantastic competition to win more than £200 of sessions at the centre in Church Lane. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is fill in the form at the bottom of this page before the closing date on Sunday, December 10.

Alison, who also holds a PhD in Clinical Medicine and is a member of the British Acupuncture Council, said: “Acupuncture is a really effective, safe medicine. It can treat physical and mental ailments. It’s therapeutic, which is an important part of it, and it’s a science, but it’s not just a science, there’s a beauty and a language to it.

“When a client comes in, they can tell me what pain or problems they’re having but I can also assess them by listening and looking and other techniques which tell me if they’re tired or strong or in pain that day. A client could come in with five things and then we prioritise.

“I look at the tongue and take their pulse and then create a prescription for them. I have said to someone 'I think there may be something up with your water function' and sent them to the doctor, and it turned out they had a bladder infection.

“There’s a grid system within the body that I work with so if the pain is in the neck, I might put a needle in their ankle. Depending on where I place it, I can clear the whole channel or pathway in the body. The needles stay in for 15 to 20 minutes.”

Alison set up one Acupuncture five years ago in Berkshire after completing a four year degree in acupuncture.

In September she decided to relocate to North Devon with her family to embrace a healthier and more active outdoor life and has since joined the Barnstaple Gig Rowing Club.

Councillor Mrs Julie Hunt, Barnstaple mayor, attended one Acupuncture for its opening day on Sunday, November 19, and turned on the new clinic lights, tying in with the town’s Christmas lights switch-on.

Alison said: “I’m from Northern Ireland and it felt like I was coming home. The people are so kind here and I love the air and the sea. It’s all part of my rebalance.

“I would love more people to understand and know about acupuncture because it can treat everyone, both body and mind. It is safe and can be used on everyone from babies to the elderly and every life stage in between. It complements conventional medical approaches and can often help manage side effects of those.

“In clinic I routinely treat women’s health issues – from teens to postmenopausal, musculoskeletal issues, complex pain and neurological conditions and also many people with fertility concerns who then have treatment throughout pregnancy. People at all stages of their cancer urney use acupuncture as well.”

Zeya Finnigan, from Barnstaple, had her first experience of acupuncture with Alison, saying she suffered from migraines and frequent headaches.

She said: “I couldn’t feel anything when Alison was putting the needle in. It didn’t hurt, it was completely pain free. I could feel a warm, tingling sensation when the needles were in, not unpleasant.

“It relieved my headache pain and was really relaxing. I felt I could trust her, because of her manner and her background in science.”